The Baron Winds project is subject to the New York State Article 10 Siting Process. Please check this site often for updates on the progress of the project.
Complaint Reporting and Resolution Plan
Public Notices
Notice of Intent to File a Joint Application
Notice of Pre-Construction – September 2021
Intervenor Funding Notices
Public Hearing Notices
Public Involvement Plan
Intervenor Fund Information & Documentation
Stipulation Notice
Transfer Petition
New York State Department of Public Service Filing
Attorney General Reporting
Article 10 – Preliminary Scoping Statement
Article 10 Application
Filing letter
- Exhibit 1: General Requirements
- Exhibit 2: Overview and Public Involvement
- Figure 2-1: Regional Facility Location
- Figure 2-2: Facility Layout
- Exhibit 3: Location of Facilities
- Figure 3-1: Proposed Major Electric Generating Facility Locations
- Figure 3-2: Point of Interconnect and Collection Substation
- Figure 3-3: Municipal Boundaries and Temporary Road Improvements
- Exhibit 4: Land Use
- Figure 4-1: Existing Land Use
- Figure 4-2: Land Use Programs
- 4-3: Transmission Facilities
- Figure 4-4: Tax Parcels
- Figure 4-5: Zoning Districts
- Figure 4-6: Proposed Land Use
- Figure 4-7: Specially Designated Areas
- Figure 4-8: Recreation Areas and Other Sensitive Land Uses
- Figure 4-9: Aerial Photo Overlays
- Exhibit 5: Electrical System Effects
- Exhibit 6: Electric System Effects
- Exhibit 7: National Gas Power Facilities
- Exhibit 8: Electric System Production Modeling
- Exhibit 9: Alternatives
- Exhibit 10: Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives
- Exhibit 11: Preliminary Design Drawings
- Figure 11-1: Wind Turbine Setbacks
- Exhibit 12: Construction
- Exhibit 13: Real Property
- Figure 13-1: Real Property Map of Generating Site
- Figure 13-2: Real Property Map of Interconnection Facilities
- Exhibit 14: Cost of Facilities
- Exhibit 15: Public Health and Safety
- Figure 15-1: Public Health and Safety
- Exhibit 16: Pollution Control Facilities
- Exhibit 17: Air Emmissions
- Exhibit 18: Safety and Security
- Exhibit 19: Noise and Vibration
- Figure 19-1: Sensitive Sound Receptors
- Exhibit 20: Cultural Resources
- Exhibit 21: Geology, Seismology, and Soils
- Figure 21-1: Slope
- Figure 21-2: Soil Types
- Figure 21-3: Bedrock
- Exhibit 22: Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands
- Figure 21-1: Impact to Plant Communities
- Figure 22-2: Delineated Wetlands
- Exhibit 23: Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology
- Figure 23-1: Depth to Bedrock and High Water Table
- Figure 23-2: Groundwater Aquifers and Recharge Areas
- Figure 23-3: Surface Waters
- Figure 23-4: HDD Locations
- Exhibit 24: Visual Impacts
- Exhibit 25: Effect on Transportation
- Figure 25-1: Emergency Responder Routes
- Figure 25-2: Temporary Public Road Improvements
- Exhibit 26: Effect on Communications
- Figure 26-1: Communication System Constraints
- Exhibit 27: Socioeconomic Effects
- Exhibit 28: Environmental Justice
- Figure 28-1: Potential Environmental Justice Areas
- Exhibit 29: Site Restoration and Decommissioning
- Exhibit 30: Nuclear Facilities
- Exhibit 31: Local Laws and Ordinance
- Exhibit 32: State Laws and Regulations
- Exhibit 33: Other Applications and Filings
- Exhibit 34: Electric Interconnection
- Exhibit 35: Electric and Magnetic Fields
- Exhibit 36: Gas Interconnection
- Exhibit 37: Back-Up Fuel
- Exhibit 38: Water Interconnection
- Exhibit 39: Wastewater Interconnection
- Exhibit 40: Telecommunications Interconnection
- Exhibit 41: Applications to Modify or Build Adjacent
- Appendix A: Certificate of Formation
- Appendix B: Master List of Stakeholders
- Appendix C: Meeting Log
- Appendix D: Proposed Certificate Conditions
- Appendix E: NYSDAM Guidelines
- Appendix K: Turbine Brochure Material
- Appendix F: System Reliability Impact Study (SRIS)
- Appendix G: Example Type Certification
- Appendix H: Collection Line Details
- Appendix I: Preliminary Operations & Maintenance Plan
- Appendix J: Substation Details
- Appendix L: Generation Dispatch Forecasting Analysis
- Appendix M-1: Preliminary Design Drawings
- Appendix M-2: Working Area 1
- Appendix M-3: Working Area 2
- Appendix M-4: Working Area 3
- Appendix M-5: Working Area 4
- Appendix M-6: Working Area 5
- Appendix M-7: Working Area 6
- Appendix M-8: Working Area 7
- Appendix N: Operations & Maintenance Building Typical Details
- Appendix O: Concrete Batch General Information
- Appendix P: Turbine Lighting Information
- Appendix Q: Turbine Foundation Typical Drawings
- Appendix R: Typical Wind Turbine Technical and Safety Manuals
- Appendix S: Preliminary QA-QC Plans
- Appendix T: Complaint Resolution Plan
- Appendix U-1: Shadow Flicker Report
- Appendix U-2: Shadow Flicker Report - Figures
- Appendix U-3: Wind Rose and Sunshine Data
- Appendix V: Preliminary Health and Safety Plan
- Appendix W: Preliminary Emergency Action Plan
- Appendix X: Preliminary Site Security Plan
- Appendix Y: Preliminary FAA Determinations
- Appendix Z-1: Pre-Construction Noise Impact Assessment
- Appendix Z-2: A Primer on Sound and Noise
- Appendix AA: Sound Monitoring and Compliance Protocol
- Appendix BB-1: Historic Architectural Resources Survey
- Appendix BB-2: NYSOPRHP Corresponcence
- Appendix CC-1: Phase 1B Archeological Survey
- Appendix CC-2: Figures
- Appendix CC-3: NYSOPRHP Correspondence
- Appendix DD: Unanticipated Discovery Plan
- Appendix EE: Phase 1A Historical Architectural Survey and Work Plan
- Appendix FF: Phase 1A Archeological Survey and Phase 1B Work Plan
- Appendix GG-1: Historic Resources Visual Effects Analysis
- Appendix GG-2: Historic Resources Visual Effects Analysis - NYSOPRHP Correcpondence
- Appendix HH: Preliminary Cultural Resources Mitigation Plan
- Appendix II: Preliminary Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- Appendix JJ: Draft Inadvertent Return Plan
- Appendix KK: Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment
- Appendix LL-1: Plant Inventory
- Appendix LL-2: Wildlife Inventory
- Appendix MM: Invasive Species Survey Baseline Report
- Appendix NN: Work Plan for Pre-Construction Avian and Bat Surveys
- Appendix OO: Bird and Bat Survey Report
- Appendix PP: Eagle Use Point Count Survey Results
- Appendix QQ: Addendum to Bird and Bat Survey Report
- Appendix RR: Work Plan for Targeted Eagle Use Survey
- Appendix SS: Second Addendum to Bird and Bat Survey Report
- Appendix TT: Habitat Assessment
- Appendix UU: Analysis of Potential Habitat Fragmentation Impacts
- Appendix VV: Threatened and Endangered Species Database Information
- Appendix WW: Bird and Bat Conservation Strategy Outline
- Appendix XX: Northern Log-Eared Bat Take Estimate
- Appendix YY: Northern Long-Eared Bat Net Conservation Benefit Plan
- Appendix ZZ: Adaptive Management Plan for Northern Long-Eared Bat
- Appendix AAA: Cumulative Effects Analysis
- Appendix BBB-1: Wetland Delineation Report
- Appendix BBB-2: Figures
- Appendix BBB-3: Routine Wetland Determination Forms
- Appendix BBB-4: Photos of Representative Wetland Communities
- Appendix BBB-5: Wetland Functions and Values Assessment Table
- Appendix BBB-6: NYSDEC Freshwater Wetlands Determination
- Appendix CCC-1: Wetland and Stream Impact Drawings
- Appendix CCC-2: Impacts Area 1
- Appendix CCC-3: Impacts Area 2
- Appendix CCC-4: Impacts Area 3
- Appendix CCC-5: Impacts Area 4
- Appendix CCC-6: Impacts Area 6
- Appendix DDD-1: Water Well Data
- Appendix DDD-2: Private Well Survey Questionnaire
- Appendix DDD-3: Well Completion Report
- Appendix EEE: Existing Access Examples
- Appendix FFF: Preliminary Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)
- Appendix GGG-1: Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix GGG-2
- Appendix GGG-3
- Appendix GGG-4: Sensitive Sites Visibility Analysis
- Appendix GGG-5
- Appendix GGG-6: Visual Impact Rating Form - Instructions
- Appendix GGG-7: Correspondence Regarding Visually Sensitive Resources
- Appendix HHH: Transportation Effect and Route Evaluation Study
- Appendix JJJ: NTIA Correspondence
- Appendix KKK: AM and FM Radio Report
- Appendix LLL: Off-Air TV Analysis
- Appendix MMM: Land Mobile and Emergency Services Report
- Appendix NNN: Microwave Study
- Appendix OOO: Mobile Phone Carrier Report
- Appendix PPP: Wind Power GeoPlanner<sup>TM</sup> Communication Tower Study
- Appendix QQQ: Socioeconomic Report
- Appendix RRR
- Appendix SSS-1: Local Law Filing for Flood Damage Prevention
- Appendix SSS-2: Local Law Filing for the Administration and Enforcement of the NY State Uniform Code
- Appendix SSS-3: Local Law Filing for the Town of Fremont Road Preservation
- Appendix SSS-4: Local Law Filing for the Town of Wayland Protection, Conservation, and Development
- Appendix TTT: Electric and Magnertic Field (EMF) Study
Phase 1
Phase 2