- Project will have a capacity of 1.3 GW, enough to power roughly 500,000 households with clean wind energy
- Combined with its provisionally awarded project in New York, Community Offshore Wind would deliver more than $4.4 billion in direct economic benefits over the projects’ lifetimes
- The project will reduce power sector carbon emissions by an estimated 5 percent – equivalent to removing 11 million cars from the road
- New proposal builds on Community Offshore Wind’s existing commitment of $530 million to disadvantaged communities

New York, NY – 25 January 2024
Community Offshore Wind, a joint venture of RWE and National Grid Ventures, today submitted a proposal to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to provide New York State with clean energy from 1.3 gigawatts (GW) of new offshore wind capacity, enough to power roughly 500,000 homes. The proposal was submitted in response to New York’s expedited fourth competitive offshore wind solicitation.
This next phase of the project builds upon Community Offshore Wind's provisional offtake award to deliver 1.3 GW of wind capacity as part of New York’s third solicitation for offshore wind. In total, the projects are expected to generate $4.4 billion in economic benefits to New York.
Community Offshore Wind’s proposal aligns with New York’s ambitious clean energy goals and supports Governor Kathy Hochul’s vision for a clean energy economy that delivers robust economic development and long-term jobs for New Yorkers. Combined with its provisionally awarded New York project, Community Offshore Wind is on track to deliver nearly $100 million in workforce and economic development investments.
The new proposal includes nearly $50 million in funding for workforce and community initiatives, with a focus on creating opportunities for diverse New Yorkers and supporting local non-profit organizations. The funding includes up to:
- $15 million for supportive services for workers, including transportation and childcare to ensure all workers are able to pursue offshore wind careers;
- $20 million for the Powering Up Fund, to address gaps in workforce training and preparation, including programming identified by labor unions and workforce development organizations;
- And $4 million each for education and youth employment programming to prepare today’s students for the clean energy jobs of tomorrow;
- The proposal also includes an investment of up to $10 million in the offshore wind supply chain, to help New York businesses prepare for the economic opportunities the growing industry will create.
All of these commitments are contingent on NYSERDA’s final selections.
“Community Offshore Wind is committed to providing the renewable energy New Yorkers need and driving long-term, equitable economic growth,” said Doug Perkins, President and Project Director of Community Offshore Wind. “The proposal we submitted today builds on the work we have already done to move us closer to Governor Hochul’s vision for a thriving clean energy economy that achieves New York’s climate change goals. Our community-first approach has received recognition as we seek to create new opportunities for people across the state, especially those in disadvantaged communities.”
“The Community Offshore Wind team brings a unique combination of technical expertise and local connections to New York. Not only do we know how to successfully deliver complex infrastructure projects, we also know how to ensure they bring meaningful benefits to the communities where we operate,” said Pat Johnson, Vice President and Deputy Project Director of Community Offshore Wind. “This proposal lays out a plan to expand on phase one of our project to continue moving toward an equitable clean energy future with investments in local businesses, workforce development programs, and support for New Yorkers living in disadvantaged communities.”
Community Offshore Wind brings together global expertise and local experience to deliver clean energy and economic growth in New York. RWE is one of the world’s largest offshore wind companies and a leading developer of offshore wind in the U.S. with a track record of success that includes the development and operation of 19 offshore wind farms worldwide. National Grid and its legacy companies have operated in New York for over 125 years and the company employs more than 5,000 people in the New York area.
As a part of its existing provisional award, Community Offshore Wind committed $38 million to environmental protection, wildlife and fisheries research, mitigation, and enhancement. The project also recently signed a groundbreaking Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that will transform environmental monitoring for offshore wind projects and increase transparency between researchers and developers.
The proposal submitted today would build on these investments, providing an additional $38 million for fisheries and environmental funding.
Messages of Support for Community Offshore Wind:
Randy Peers, President and CEO, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce: “The development of clean energy, and especially offshore wind, will be central to Brooklyn’s economic success over the coming years. We need developers like Community Offshore Wind who have a focus on creating good-paying jobs and will commit to millions of dollars in labor and expenditures. Investments in local, New York-based businesses will benefit the communities that need it most, while creating economic opportunity across our borough, city and the entire state.”
Yvonne M. Brathwaite, Chief Program and Policy Officer of Red Hook Initiative: “Community Offshore Wind has proven to be committed to New York communities. On Giving Tuesday, for two consecutive years, Community Offshore Wind has donated hundreds of coats to the Red Hook Initiative so families in need stay warm. We have also worked together to send kids from disadvantaged communities on STEM-related field trips to the New York Hall of Science and the New York Aquarium. We look forward to working with them to support New Yorkers for years to come.”
Kyle Stewart, Executive Director, Alliance of New York State YMCAs: “The Community Offshore Wind team knows that real community impact starts with meeting New Yorkers where they are, and working directly with local nonprofits to identify the longstanding barriers that could stop students and workers from pursuing new economic opportunity. Their $11 million investment in swimming lessons for children from disadvantaged communities will do more than provide a life-saving skill – it will prepare them for future careers in offshore wind, and ensure a just, equitable clean energy transition that offers opportunities for every New Yorker.”
Tim Gilman, Executive Director, RETI Center: “Community Offshore Wind is the right partner for New York State as we all continue to work toward ambitious clean energy targets and create green job opportunities. The joint venture began early engagement with the RETI Center after winning their lease area, lending their voices for education on clean energy jobs that will be available to New Yorkers. Community Offshore Wind values collaboration and we are confident they will continue their work as a leader in offshore wind in the Northeast.”
Aneal Helms, I.A. Principal, Urban Assembly New York Harbor School: “The clean energy transition means a new generation of career opportunities for New York students, especially in marine science, marine technology, and engineering. Since its launch, Community Offshore Wind has demonstrated their commitment to helping our educators prepare students for these opportunities, including sharing curriculum and learning kits for the classroom. We are confident that Community Offshore Wind will only build on this work moving forward, and look forward to working together on additional STEM education programs.”
Robert Weltner, President, Operation SPLASH: “Both Community Offshore Wind and Operation SPLASH share a goal of prioritizing underserved communities to enhance their relationship with the local environment and provide children with a sense of autonomy despite their circumstances. In 2023, Community Offshore Wind’s funding made it possible to bring the entire second grade of Uniondale Elementary Schools – nearly 500 students from five schools -- to SPLASH to learn about marine and environmental education, and take a boat trip in the bay to learn about the impact pollution has on their waterways. The joint venture’s commitment to our communities is second to none, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in years to come.”
Michael Arquin, Founder and Director, KidWind: “We are excited to continue our work with Community Offshore Wind in New York as we strive to make sure all students can understand and participate fully in the clean energy economy. To make that happen, it is critical to prepare teachers with the training, tools and materials so they can bring engaging and relevant content to their students, and Community Offshore Wind has been an exceptional partner in helping us provide those resources for New York students.”
Mary Anne Mulvey, President & Co-owner, Factory Systems Installer, Inc.: “We collaborated with Community Offshore Wind on the retrofitting of their community van, which was designed to help them connect with local community members. Community Offshore Wind is a developer that cares about being present in local neighborhoods and hearing what their neighbors need. As a Brooklyn small and woman-owned business, we take pride in our partnership with Community Offshore Wind and wholeheartedly support their project.”
Diane Palma, Partner & Art Director, Digho Arts: “I’ve worked with Community Offshore Wind as a designer since 2021, and as a New York, woman-owned business, I appreciate the opportunity to be part of their team, making a positive difference for the future of our community and of New York State. Their commitment to our local businesses, people and community as a whole continues to be an inspiration, and it’s an honor to help them grow and continue their mission of affordable clean energy for all.”