- If selected, Community Offshore Wind’s proposal will create over 4,600 jobs through the year 2033, across the supply chain in New York, prioritizing those from disadvantaged communities, local companies and the union workforce.
- Benefits from the project are forecasted to deliver over $3 billion to the New York state economy.
- Community Offshore Wind is proposing a Supply Chain Investment Plan that will help localize blade and nacelle facilities in partnership with General Electric (GE), bring steel fabrication and processing to Orange County, and invest in a Staten Island port facility.
- The proposal expects to reduce New York electricity system-related carbon emissions by about 5 percent and thereby contribute significantly to the State’s target of reaching zero-emission electricity by 2040.

January 26, 2023 – New York, NY
Community Offshore Wind, a joint venture between RWE Renewables and National Grid, today submitted a proposal to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to provide New York State with clean energy from 1.3 GW of offshore wind capacity to power nearly 500,000 homes. The bid submission was in response to the State’s third competitive offshore wind solicitation, adding to their current portfolio of five offshore wind projects. NYSERDA is expected to announce the winning clean energy suppliers in early spring 2023.
The key components of the proposal support Governor Hochul’s leadership in the creation of a sustainable clean energy economy that delivers robust economic development and jobs to New Yorkers, including, but not limited to:
- Creating over 4,600 good-paying jobs through the year 2033, across the supply chain in New York, prioritizing those from disadvantaged communities, local companies and the union workforce.
- Delivering over $3 billion in economic benefits to New York. The project will support the state in reaching its goal of directing 40 percent of overall benefits of clean energy spending to disadvantaged communities.
- Offering cutting edge agreements with suppliers that establish New York as the premier East Coast offshore wind supply chain hub. These include:
a. Collaborating with General Electric (GE) to deliver a nation-leading opportunity to localize both blade and nacelle facilities.
b. Bringing steel fabrication and processing to Orange County, creating union jobs and exceeding the solicitation’s target for US steel.
c. Investing in a Staten Island port facility for staging and assembly of wind turbines, which will contribute to good-paying jobs in the borough. - Developing a $100 million package of economic development and workforce programs designed to favor disadvantaged communities, New York Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOB) businesses.
- Supporting parents who are working in and training for offshore wind careers with $10 million in childcare services, in partnership with United Way of New York State.
- Investing in a just energy transition at National Grid’s E.F. Barrett Clean Energy Center on Long Island, including energy storage and an ambitious opportunity to support the community by retraining existing, local workers for clean energy jobs.
All of these components are contingent on NYSERDA’s final selections.
Once in operation, Community Offshore Wind expects the project will reduce New York‘s electricity system-related carbon emissions by about 5 percent and thereby contribute significantly to the State’s target of reaching zero-emission electricity by 2040 and 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. This is equal to mitigating emissions of up to 700,000 homes annually.
“Today is a proud day for Community Offshore Wind as we submit an offshore wind proposal that has the potential to deliver affordable, clean energy to New Yorkers for generations to come,” said Will Hazelip, President of National Grid Ventures (NGV), US Northeast. “National Grid has strong New York roots and a dedication to helping the state reach its clean energy goals, while providing significant economic benefits and jobs. Our proposal has been carefully crafted by a team with decades of experience delivering energy safely, reliably and efficiently to millions of New Yorkers. Community Offshore Wind knows New York and we believe we are submitting the most competitive bid.”
“Community Offshore Wind aims to reestablish New York as an energy manufacturing hub that shifts the supply chain from global to local, while prioritizing disadvantaged communities, local content, and union labor,” said Sam Eaton, CEO, RWE Offshore Holdings. “The investments included in our proposal enable New Yorkers to step into the benefits promised in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and embrace an equitable clean energy future. As a leading offshore wind developer globally, RWE is proud to partner with National Grid and play a key role in New York’s just transition.”
National Grid and its legacy companies have operated in New York State for over 125 years and now serve the needs of more than 20 million people throughout the Northeast. National Grid brings local expertise and experience developing large-scale infrastructure projects across the US and UK. RWE is one of the largest offshore wind companies globally. Its unparalleled expertise over the last 20 years has resulted in 18 offshore wind farms in operation globally and the completion of Kaskasi offshore wind farm off the German coast at the end of last year. In addition, RWE has around 4,500 MW of onshore wind and solar capacity in the U.S., including 3 operational onshore wind projects in New York.
In February 2022, Community Offshore Wind was successful in acquiring its lease area (roughly 126,000 acres) in the New York Bight, the area between Long Island and New Jersey, with a potential capacity of 3 GW of offshore wind. In the last six months alone, Community Offshore Wind has made significant community investments by improving marine ecosystems and revitalizing oyster habitats on Long Island, collecting over 900 pounds of garbage and debris at Earth Day cleanups in Queens, and funding training for MWBEs to enter the offshore wind supply chain. The project also distributed over 30,000 meals of fresh, local seafood to food banks across New York, donated 900 winter coats to families in need, partnered with Hudson River Community Sailing to teach young people about wind power, and partnered with the YMCAs of Long Island and Greater New York to offer swim lessons to children in underserved communities. In total, Community Offshore Wind has donated more than 400 volunteer hours and attended 50 community events to stay engaged with the residents they will serve.
For more information, please visit www.communityoffshorewind.com.