- Texas Waves II, 30 megawatt battery storage project
- Project recently completed installation of all inverters on site
- Completion expected by end of 2022
AUSTIN, Texas, July 20, 2022
Silvia Ortín, CEO RWE Renewables Americas
Texas Waves II is under construction and is expected to be online by the end of 2022. The project recently achieved a major equipment milestone installing all inverters on site, with no lost time injuries and two weeks ahead of schedule.
The project will provide ancillary services to the ERCOT grid as well as participate in the energy market.In addition, Texas Waves II has the potential to reduce the cost of energy to consumers by storing energy when it is readily available from renewable resources and discharging when energy would otherwise have to be provided from more expensive fossil fuel generation.
Texas Waves II is the next phase ofa series of energy storage projects, where RWE is able to add a storage facility where it makes the most sense in the existing RWE wind fleet. Texas Waves I, consisting of two 9.9 MW short duration energy storage projects, at the existing RWE Pyron and Inadale wind farms in West Texas, came online in 2018.
By its online date, the project will be RWE’s largest AC-coupled battery in the Americas to date. RWE is now significantly increasing its standalone and co-located storage project pipeline, with more and larger projects upcoming in the U.S.
RWE’s very experienced U.S. team is driving our expansion plans not only in onshore wind, solar PV and storage, but also in offshore wind, to contribute to RWE’s ambitious goal of 50 gigawatts net installed capacity in 2030.
RWE constructs, owns and operates some of the highest performing wind, solar and energy storage projects in the U.S. As a leading renewable energy player, the company has more than 30 projects in operation in the U.S., totalling an installed generation capacity of more than 5,000 MW (4,288 MW pro rata) to date with more to come.
The company, together with its joint venture partner National Grid Ventures, secured area OCS-A 0539 in the New York Bight offshore lease auction in the U.S. with a potential to host 3 GW of capacity, enough to power 1.1 million U.S. homes. In addition, RWE has entered a joint venture, New England Aqua Ventus, focused on floating offshore wind in the state of Maine.
For more information, go to americas.rwe.com.