To comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the County has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to identify any potentially significant environmental impacts and identify mitigation measures to reduce those impacts to less-than-significant levels. The EIR did not identify any significant and unavoidable impacts.
RWE Renewables is working with the Paul and Jeralyn Favero Revocable Trust to request a Conditional Use Permit for Janus Solar and BESS. The project site is located approximately 6.5 miles west/southwest from the City of Williams.
The establishment of a solar farm will create job opportunities for local residents, from temporary construction jobs to permanent positions to operate the solar farm. Restaurants, fueling stations, hotels, RV parks, hardware stores, mechanics, civil contractors, sanitation services, gravel quarries, and many other local businesses will directly benefit from the solar farm's construction. Additionally, the taxes from this project will increase Colusa County’s capacity to fund schools, roads, water/sewer, irrigation, etc.
Status: In development