Explore the wide variety of our renewable energy products wind, solar and energy production.

You will find all of our offices and operational sites in the map. A tip for tech fans: The new RWE map not only contains the current address data, but also the GPS coordinates with longitude and latitude.

This map is based on Google data. The terminology used within the underlying map is determined by Google and may vary from region to region.

* The term “country” contains states, provinces and territorites and is used without prejudice to the RWE AG position on the status of any given country or region.

Take a look at our current projects

Onshore wind projects

A wealth of experience and industrial scale know-how

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Solar projects

Tailor-made industrial solutions for our customers.

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Storage projects

We deliver one-stop energy storage systems.

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Community Offshore Wind

Joint venture of RWE and National Grid to develop offshore wind projects

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RWE Clean Energy, LLC

Office Austin

1401 East 6th Street,
Suite 400,
Austin, TX 78702

RWE Offshore Wind Holdings, LLC

Office Boston

100 Federal St., 6th floor
Boston, MA 02110

RWE Trading Americas, Inc.

Office New York

50 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 1230
New York, NY 10020